Centre for Policy on Ageing


Visit to physical disability services in Forth Valley
 — November 2000
Corporate AuthorScottish Health Advisory Service - SHAS; NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
PublisherScottish Health Advisory Service (SHAS), Edinburgh, 2001
Pages35 pp
SourceScottish Health Advisory Service, Elliott House, 8-10 Hillside Crescent, Edinburgh EH7 5EA. www.show.scot.nhs.uk/shas
KeywordsHealth Authorities and Trusts ; Physical disabilities ; Health services ; Rehabilitation ; Management [care] ; Inspection ; Central Region, Scotland.
AnnotationThe Forth Valley Health Board area covers Falkirk, Stirling and Clackmannanshire local authorities. This report concentrates on health services for younger people (under 65) with disabilities (services for older people are considered in SHAS reviews for older people). An important focus is the health needs of people with long term complex and chronic disabilities who live in the community. The report examines: needs assessment; initial contact with services; rehabilitation services; wheelchair services; and continuing care. It includes examples of good practice, and recommendations for improving the service. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010327209 B
ClassmarkL4A: BN: L: LM: QA: 3U: 9C

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