Centre for Policy on Ageing


Health care professionals' support for older carers
Author(s)Susan Pickard, Sandra Shaw, Caroline Glendinning
Journal titleAgeing and Society, vol 20, pt 6, November 2000
Pagespp 725-744
KeywordsNurses ; Health services ; Over 70s ; Informal care.
AnnotationFour themes relating to older carers' experience are examined: care-giving in the context of particular roles and relationships embedded in biographical histories; care in the context of dementia; care involving skilled or complex health care tasks; and care of an intimate or personal nature. The nature of support provided by health care professionals is considered for each. Analysis of the data suggests several conclusions. Older carers carry out a range of tasks including complex health care tasks, many of which were once part of a nurse's remit and role. Nurses approach older carers as a unique but not homogeneous group and acknowledge many of their distinct needs as well as their right to choice as to the extent of their involvement in care-giving. However, this approach conceals several implicit assumptions and expectations about the role of older carers. In particular, professionals' emphasis on older people's individual choice jars with the latter's own experience of reciprocity within the context of lifetime relationships. Older people need some choice and support in the care-giving they perform. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010319204 A
ClassmarkQTE: L: BBK: P6

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