Centre for Policy on Ageing


Decline of language among women and men with Alzheimer's disease
Author(s)Liesi E Hebert, Robert S Wilson, David W Gilley
Journal titleJournals of Gerontology: Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, vol 55B, no 6, November 2000
Pagespp P354-P361
KeywordsCognitive processes ; Dementia ; Older men ; Older women ; Evaluation.
AnnotationPrevious research raises the possibility that gender differences occur in language function in Alzheimer's diseases (AD), but this hypothesis has not been evaluated systematically in longitudinal studies. The authors examined the association of gender with rate of decline in language and other cognitive functions in 410 people with AD recruited from a dementia clinic and followed for up to five annual evaluations. Decline in a composite score based on 8 language tests was evaluated in random effects models with age, education, and race controlled. Decline on the individual language tests and on composite measures of memory, perception, and global cognition indicated no significant association with gender. These results suggest that AD affects language and other cognitive functions similarly in men and women. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010307208 A
ClassmarkDA: EA: BC: BD: 4C

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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