Centre for Policy on Ageing


Blending pedagogy and technology: the virtual classroom of the 21st century
 — selected papers from the 25th annual meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education
Author(s)Elbert Siegel, Daniel S Flynn
Corporate AuthorAssociation for Gerontology in Higher Education, US
Journal titleGerontology & Geriatrics Education, vol 21, nos 1/2, 2000
Pages146 pp (whole issue)
KeywordsAgeing process ; Universities ; Information technology ; Conference proceedings ; United States of America.
AnnotationScholars of gerontology and geriatrics education representing diverse areas of the United States describe their use of educational technologies - for example, CD-ROMs and video conferencing - to provide distance learning. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010306202 B
ClassmarkBG: V5: UVB: 6M: 7T

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