Centre for Policy on Ageing


Caring on the breadline
 — the financial implications of caring
Author(s)Emily Holzhausen, Vicky Pearlman
Corporate AuthorCarers National Association - CNA
PublisherCarers National Association, London, 2000
Pages34 pp
SourceCarers National Association, 20-25 Glasshouse Yard, London EC1A 4JT.
KeywordsInformal care ; Economics ; Invalid care allowance ; Social surveys.
AnnotationPublication of the National Carers Strategy in February 1999 paved the way for more recognition and support to be offered to carers. The Strategy offered specific measures for carers, and the Scottish Executive has published a similar strategy. However, these strategies have not dealt with the financial difficulties faced by carers. This study explores the financial circumstances of carers throughout the UK. It focuses on: whether, and in what way, carers' financial circumstances change as a result of caring; the impact that these changes have on the lives of carers; and the changes that carers believe the Government could make to improve their financial circumstances. Recommendations are made concerning combating poverty, improving basic income, making work possible, and combating social exclusion. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010306004 B
ClassmarkP6: W: JHI: 3F

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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