Centre for Policy on Ageing


Income transfers to the elderly in Korea and Taiwan
Author(s)Huck-Ju Kwon
Journal titleJournal of Social Policy, vol 30, part 1, January 2001
Pagespp 81-94
KeywordsPensions ; Cost of living ; Poor elderly ; Social policy ; Korea ; Taiwan.
AnnotationIncome transfers to older households in Korea and Taiwan are analysed, to find out the extent to which income maintenance policy contributes to their incomes. It also examines private transfers to those households, since we need to see the outcome of public policy in the broad picture of welfare mix. The article argues that private transfers play a bigger role than public transfers for older households. Poorer households are more dependent on private transfers. Nevertheless, private transfers failed to help older people escape poverty. It shows that older households in general and single- and couple-only households in particular are far more prone to poverty than the general population. Although state pensions are expected to play a bigger role in the future after coming into full operation, public policy has so far failed to improve older people's living standards. Urgent policy intervention is called for, to protect older people in the wake of the economic crisis in Korea and the massive earthquake in Taiwan. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010302202 A
ClassmarkJJ: J3C: F:W6: TM2: 7DK: 7DP

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