Centre for Policy on Ageing


Age and autonomy
Author(s)Anne Showstack Sasson, Wendy Stokes
Journal titleThe European Journal of Social Quality, vol 2, issue 1, 2000
PublisherBerghahn, 2000
Pages105 pp (whole issue)
SourceBerghahn Books, 3 Newtec Place, Magdalen Road, Oxford OX4 1RE. Email: journals@berghahnbooks.com
KeywordsAgeing process ; Attitudes to the old of general public ; Older women ; Independence ; Europe ; United States of America.
AnnotationArticles in this issue of the European Journal of Social Quality examine the themes of independence, dependence and interdependence from different disciplinary perspectives ranging from philosophy to sociology, and gerontology to literature and design. In "Time, age and autonomy", Jan Baars considers chronological and subjective concepts of time. Carol L Estes examines how experiences of gender and old age are socially constructed in "From gender to the political economy of ageing". The original Dutch term, "ageing in place", is discussed in Piet P J Houben's article, "Towards a conceptual framework for 'ageing in place' of older adults". John Mepham's "What is it like to grow old? Ageing in some recent women's fiction" suggests that fiction can be an important resource in developing understanding of the needs that older people have, and to contribute to their quality of life. That designers typically work according to the majority of users is discussed by Malcolm Johnson in "The designer's role in the ageing process". Finally, Anne Jamieson's review article, "Social gerontology: concepts and concerns in the US and Europe" discusses two recent publications. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010301201 B
ClassmarkBG: TOB: BD: C3: 74: 7T

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