Centre for Policy on Ageing


General practice consultation rates for psychiatric disorders in patients aged 65 and over
 — prospective cohort study
Author(s)Rajen Shah, Rosie McNiece, Azeem Majeed
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 16, no 1, January 2001
Pagespp 57-63
KeywordsMental disorder ; Consultation ; General practice ; Social surveys ; England.
AnnotationThe fourth national survey of morbidity in general practice was carried out between September 1991 and August 1992; 60 volunteer practices in England and Wales took part, comprising a 1% sample of the population (502,493 patients). GPs recorded reasons for all consultations, which were converted into an ICD9 code. Only 4.4% of consultations were for psychiatric disorders. Women had consultation rates 75% higher than men. Social class had no effect on rates. Consultation rates were highest for neurotic disorders and depression, for which those living alone had the highest rates. Those living in residential and nursing homes had substantially higher consultation rates for dementia and bipolar affective disorder. Consultation rates were significantly lower than expected from previous epidemiological studies. This indicates that there is considerable hidden morbidity that is untreated in primary care. The increasing age of the population may result in a significant increase in consultations for dementia, but not for depression or neurosis. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010227213 A
ClassmarkE: LK6: L5: 3F: 82

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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