Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older people: their transport needs and requirements
 — report by W S Atkins for the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
Author(s)W S Atkins
Corporate AuthorTransport Planning; Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions - DETR
PublisherDepartment of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, London, 2001
Pagesvarious pagings
SourceDETR, PO Box 236, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS23 7NB.
KeywordsTransport services ; Accessibility ; Mobility ; Needs [elderly] ; Social surveys.
AnnotationThe study's overall objective was to conduct an audit of older people's transport needs and requirements, taking account of future demographic changes. The focus is primarily on public transport, but necessarily includes personal mobility and walking. The study and report cover four strands. First, a review of international literature. Second, qualitative research with focus groups of older people in Camden, Waverley district (Surrey), Carmarthen, and Stockport on their experiences of using the existing transport system and how they anticipated their travel behaviour changing as they grow older. Third, a household survey among the 60+ age group. Finally, discussions with stakeholders. Recommendations are made on the contributions of transport providers, and on the roles of central government and local authorities. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010222004 B
ClassmarkO: 5CA: C4: IK: 3F

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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