Centre for Policy on Ageing


Patterns of caregiver experiences among partners of cancer patients
Author(s)Chris Nijboer, Mattanja Triemstra, Reike Tempelaar
Journal titleThe Gerontologist, vol 40, no 6, December 2000
Pagespp 738-746
KeywordsCancer ; Family care ; Longitudinal surveys ; Netherlands.
AnnotationLongitudinal data from a research project in the Netherlands, "CAregiving of Spouses of cancer PAtients" (CASPA) was used to assess caregiving experiences by means of the Caregiver Reaction Assessment Scale (CRA). The Scale consists of four negative dimensions and one positive sub-scale: disrupted schedule; financial problems; lack of family support; loss of physical strength; and self-esteem. Patterns of caregiver experiences appeared to vary: women, younger caregivers and caregivers with a higher socio-economic status experienced caregiving more negatively or less positively. Caregiver experiences should be regarded as a multi-dimensional concept that includes both negative and positive experiences of caregiving. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010130220 A
ClassmarkCK: P6:SJ: 3J: 76H

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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