Centre for Policy on Ageing


Value-added outcomes
 — the use of advanced practice nurses in long-term care facilities
Author(s)Muriel B Ryden, Mariah Snyder, Cynthia R Gross
Journal titleThe Gerontologist, vol 40, no 6, December 2000
Pagespp 654-662
KeywordsNursing homes ; Nurses ; Management [care] ; Quality ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe study's purpose was to determine the effect on clinical outcomes for newly admitted nursing home residents when advanced practice gerontological nurses (APNs) worked with staff to implement scientifically based protocols for incontinence, pressure ulcers, depression and aggressive behaviour. This type of use of APNs differs from the usual way APNs have been used in nursing homes, in which their primary focus has been to augment the doctor's role. The APN treatment was randomly assigned to two nursing homes, and usual care to a third. Significantly less deterioration in affect was noted in cognitively impaired residents in the treatment group. Findings suggest that APNs can be effective links between current scientific knowledge about clinical problems and nursing home staff. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010130213 A
ClassmarkLHB: QTE: QA: 59: 7T

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