Centre for Policy on Ageing


New Labour's pension reforms
Author(s)Sue Ward
Corporate AuthorSocial Policy Association
Journal titleIN: Social policy review 12, chapter 8, 2000
PublisherSocial Policy Association, Sudbury, Suffolk, 2000
Pagespp 157-183
SourceSocial Policy Association, Lavenham Group, Arbons House, Lavenham, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 9RN.
KeywordsPensions ; Supplementary pensions ; Labour.
AnnotationThis chapter summarises the main points of New Labour's package of changes in state and non-state pensions, especially the replacement of the State Earnings-related Pension Scheme (SERPS) by the State Second Pension (S2P) and the introduction of Stakeholder Pensions (SHPs). The author concludes that while these reforms will keep the very poorest out of absolute poverty, this is at the expense of further eroding a social insurance scheme that New Labour regards as outdated. The system is likely to be greatest benefit to the Treasury, in the form of reductions in public expenditure, but to the detriment of provision which will be carried out less efficiently and at higher cost. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010129206 B
ClassmarkJJ: JJH: VL3

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