Centre for Policy on Ageing


Intergenerational solidarity networks of instrumental and cultural transfers within migrant families in Turkey
Author(s)Sibel Kalacioglu, Helga Rittersberger-Tiliç
Journal titleAgeing and Society, vol 20, no 5, September 2000
Pagespp 523-542
KeywordsMulti generation families ; Family relationships ; Migration ; Rural areas ; Urban areas ; Turkey.
AnnotationOver the last fifty years, the pattern of family life in Turkey has been seriously affected by migration. Despite this, there remains a high degree of solidarity typified by transfers of income, material goods and cultural mores between and within family generations. This article is based on the life histories of fifteen migrant families living in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. In-depth interviews were used to collect information about at least three generations in each family. Information was collected about occupational, educational and migration histories, property ownership, care of dependents, and parent-child relations covering three generations. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010125202 A
ClassmarkSJC: DS:SJ: TN: RL: RK: 7GB

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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