Centre for Policy on Ageing


[Nutrition and malnutrition in Asia]
Author(s)Jungsoo Lee
Corporate AuthorAsian Development Bank
Journal titleAsian Development Review: studies of Asian and Pacific economic issues, vol 17, nos 1/2, 1999
PublisherAsian Development Bank, Manila, 1999
Pages273 pp (whole issue)
KeywordsNutrition ; Malnutrition ; Asia.
AnnotationThe Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) have jointly undertaken a regionwide assessment of how nutrition of young women and children improves, and how additional resources should be used. Articles in this issue include a nutrition situation analysis for each of the seven countries involved in the assessment: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010122205 B
ClassmarkCF: CSM: 7C

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