Centre for Policy on Ageing


A MDS/RAI assessment tool in action
 — staff views from five care homes
Author(s)Demi Patsios, June Gallagher, Marilyn Cooper
Journal titleCare Plan, vol 7, no 2, December 2000
Pagespp 11-15
KeywordsCare homes ; Nursing homes ; Needs [elderly] ; Management [care] ; Residents [care homes] ; Evaluation ; Pilot.
AnnotationTools used for assessing the needs of older people have been widely criticised. Forms used to record information have often been too long and complicated, and of varying quality from one area to another. Researchers from the University of Bristol recently piloted a comprehensive assessment tool designed to provide a holistic assessment of health and social care needs. Pioneered in the United States (US), the Minimum Data Set / Resident Assessment Instrument (MDS/RAI) is now used in many other countries and could provide the basis for a national standardised system for the UK. This article outlines components of the MDS/RAI, and reports on feedback from care home managers, which was largely positive. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010111209 A
ClassmarkKW: LHB: IK: QA: KX: 4C: 4UC

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