Centre for Policy on Ageing


Where do cancer patients die?
 — ten-year trends in the place of death of cancer patients in England
Author(s)Irene J Higginson, Paul Astin, Susan Dolin
Journal titlePalliative Medicine, vol 12, 1998
Pagespp 353-363
KeywordsCancer ; Death ; Dying ; Death rate [statistics] ; Regional ; England.
AnnotationData on the place of death and patients' characteristics were obtained from 1985 to 1994 death registrations, and trends by region and for main cancer diagnoses were examined. The results show that there were more than 1.3 million death registrations from cancer over the 10 years, during which the mean age increased from 69.9 years to 71.3 year. The percentage who died in an NHS hospital or nursing home gradually fell from 58% to 47.3%, while increasing for non-NHS hospitals, nursing homes, hospices and communal establishments. The percentage who died at home fell slightly but steadily from 27% to 25.5% in 1992, but increased to 26.5% in 1994. The percentage of home deaths was lowest in the two Thames regions (less than 25%) and highest in the West Midlands, Anglia and Oxford (over 29%). These differentials were maintained across age groups and diagnoses. The trend towards a reducing home death rate from cancer in England appears to have halted, but has implications for primary care services. Although hospital is still the most common place of death from cancer, the percentage of cancer patients who die in hospital is reducing, and the trend of deaths in hospices and communal establishments is likely to continue. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010105012 A
ClassmarkCK: CW: CX: S5: 5CP: 82 *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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