Centre for Policy on Ageing


Macmillan carers scheme in England
 — results of a multicentre evaluation
Author(s)David Clark, Claire Ferguson, Catherine Nelson
Journal titlePalliative Medicine, vol 14, no 2, 2000
Pagespp 129-139
KeywordsTerminal care ; Home nursing ; Extra home care service ; Family care ; Pilot ; Evaluation.
AnnotationMaintaining sick and older people at home, particularly as they approach the end of life, is a long-established challenge for health and social care services. In the past 30 years, palliative care providers have attempted a variety of innovations in this area. This article is a descriptive study of seven pilot Macmillan Carers Schemes in England, which sought to provide practical and emotional help to cancer patients and families living in their own homes. Data are available on 624 referrals to the schemes over a 1-year period. Emphasising comparisons between schemes, the authors report on reasons for and sources of referral, services offered, number and durations of visits, and tasks undertaken. They consider the views of informal carers using the service, and the perceptions of Macmillan carers themselves. Financial costs of schemes are compared. It is concluded that the schemes have the potential for further development but face problems, which reflect on their borderline position between 'health' and 'social care'. Current policy changes may be beneficial to the schemes in this respect. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001220205 A
ClassmarkLV: N4: NH:58D: P6:SJ: 4UC: 4C *

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