Centre for Policy on Ageing


Prevalence of urinary incontinence in middle aged and older women
 — a survey-based methodological experiment
Author(s)Nancy H Fultz, A Regula Herzog
Journal titleJournal of Aging and Health, vol 12, no 4, November 2000
Pagespp 459-469
KeywordsIncontinence ; Older women ; Methodology ; Questionnaires.
AnnotationVariation in the extent to which surveys promote complete and accurate reporting may help explain the wide range of published prevalence estimates, for example, of urinary incontinence (UI). This survey's objective was to determine whether self-reports of urinary incontinence (UI) are influenced by the context in which survey questions are presented. Respondents to a nationally representative telephone survey in the US were randomly assigned one of two questionnaire forms; both forms contained the same incontinence question. One form included an introduction and follow-up probe, which acknowledged the embarrassment of discussing incontinence and stressed the importance of thorough reporting. Use of the introduction and probe produced a significantly higher prevalence rate, with the effect varying by respondent's age. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001219215 A
ClassmarkCTM: BD: 3D: 3DA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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