Centre for Policy on Ageing


Equity and efficiency policy in community care
 — needs, service productivities, efficiencies and their implications
Author(s)Bleddyn Davies, José Fernández, Bülent Nomer
Corporate AuthorPersonal Social Services Research Unit - PSSRU, University of Kent
PublisherUniversity of Kent, Canterbury, 2000
Pages458 pp (PSSRU discussion paper, 1155)
SourcePSSRU, University of Kent, Canterbury, England, CT2 7NF.
KeywordsCommunity care ; Needs [elderly] ; Costs [care] ; Cost effectiveness ; Methodology ; Mathematical models.
AnnotationThe focus is on one of the main concerns of analyses of the production of welfare (POW): how variations in service inputs affect outcomes of the kind which justify their public subsidisation and regulation, and how the effects of these variations differ between users and caregivers in different circumstances. The general patterns of the findings and the policy dilemmas raised were discussed in "Resources, needs and outcomes in community-based care" (Davies et al, PSSRU, 1990). This book is concerned with theoretical knowledge and analytical techniques used by PSSRU; the reader is guided on p 18 on how to approach unfamiliar material. Part 1 maps productivities and the contributions which services are estimated to make to output. Part 2 maps efficiencies as they now are, and what they would be were the most efficient use made of resources. It discusses what equity judgements are implicit in the observed patterns, given prices and productivities. Part 3 discusses propositions concerned with: independence; balancing resource concentration and diffusion; optimising carer burden, or workers assessment of impact; and flexibility in commissioning. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001215216 B
ClassmarkPA: IK: QDC: WEC: 3D: 3LM

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