Centre for Policy on Ageing


Poverty and ageing
 — a position paper, November 2000
Author(s)Mandy Heslop, Sylvia Beales, Alex Bush
Corporate AuthorHelpAge International
PublisherHelpAge International, London, 2000
Pages8 pp (plus summary)
SourceHelpAge International, 67-74 Saffron Hill, London EC1N 8QX.
KeywordsPoor elderly ; Rights [elderly] ; International ; Developing countries.
AnnotationPoverty is the main threat facing older people worldwide. In developing countries, where older populations are growing fastest, older people are consistently and disproportionately among the poorest of the poor. HelpAge International (HAI) believes that tackling poverty among older people is both an issue of basic human rights and a critical next step in the fight to reduce global poverty. This paper summarises HAI's position, and outlines its agenda for action. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001214604 P
ClassmarkF:W6: IKR: 72: 7B *

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