Centre for Policy on Ageing


A comparison of elderly day care and day hospital attenders in Leicestershire
 — client profile, carer stress and unmet need
Author(s)L Furness, R Simpson, S Chakrabarti
Journal titleAging & Mental Health, vol 4, no 4, November 2000
Pagespp 324-329
KeywordsDay services ; Day hospitals ; Informal care ; Consumer ; Needs [elderly] ; Stress ; Comparison ; Leicestershire.
AnnotationTraditionally, day care for older people has been provided by health or social services. Recently, however, facilities have been developed by voluntary organisations. This study examined the characteristics of older clients with mental health problems attending these various settings, identifying areas of unmet needs. There were both similarities and important differences between clients attending day hospitals, social services, and Age Concern day centres. While carers and clients were generally satisfied with services, professionals were less satisfied. There is a need for joint planning and commissioning of day care to provide maximum flexibility and co-ordination of services. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001214208 A
ClassmarkNM: LDD: P6: WY: IK: QNH: 48: 8LE

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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