Centre for Policy on Ageing


Quality of life in older adults with generalized anxiety disorder
Author(s)S L Bourland, M A Stanley, A G Snyder
Journal titleAging & Mental Health, vol 4, no 4, November 2000
Pagespp 315-323
KeywordsAnxiety ; Quality of life ; Life satisfaction ; Evaluation.
AnnotationSubjective quality of life, or life satisfaction, is described in this study of a sample of older adults with generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). Patients with GAD were compared to other anxious and non-psychiatric samples on measures of satisfaction. Older people with GAD reported lower quality of life than did non-psychiatric samples. Levels of life satisfaction were comparable between older people with GAD and younger people with social phobia. Severity of depression predicted decreased life satisfaction as measured by both Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI) and the Life Satisfaction Index (LSI-Z). Severity of anxiety predicted poorer quality of life as measured by QOLI, and optimism predicted better life satisfaction as measured by LIS-Z. These findings suggest that GAD and other factors affect older people's quality of life. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001214207 A
ClassmarkENP: F:59: F:5HH: 4C

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