Centre for Policy on Ageing


Daily walking program for psychogeriatric patients
 — a pilot study
Author(s)Rosario Verdote-Robertson, John R Reddon
Journal titlePhysical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, vol 17, no 4, 2000
Pagespp 17-28
SourceHaworth Document Delivery Service, The Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580, USA.
KeywordsExercise ; Walking ; Psychogeriatric patients ; Pilot ; Canada.
Annotation44 psychogeriatric patients participating in a daily walking programme at Alberta Hospital, Edmonton were rated pre- and post-treatment using scales which measured walking status, co-ordination of legs, posture, and gait pattern. Statistically significant improvements with substantial effect sizes were obtained in all areas except gait pattern. Secondary benefits of increased mobility included improved self-efficacy, made it easier for the nursing staff to provide care, and improved discharge placement options. This evaluation lends credence to the incorporation of a daily walking regime as an integral component of psychogeriatric patient care. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001207208 A
ClassmarkCEA: HSA: LF:E: 4UC: 7S

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