Centre for Policy on Ageing


Abuse of vulnerable adults
 — policies and procedures
Corporate AuthorHanover Housing Association; Sanctuary Housing
PublisherHanover Housing Group, Staines, 2000
Pages23 pp
SourceHanover Housing Group, Hanover House, 1 Bridge Close, Staines TW18 4TB.
KeywordsElder abuse ; Policy ; Hanover Housing Association ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationThe document is based on the belief that every vulnerable adult residing in a Hanover property has the right to live free from abuse. The purpose of the policy is to: set out values, principles and policies underpinning all work with abused adults; define the procedure to be followed if abuse is suspected; define the different types and signs of abuse of vulnerable adults, and indicate their possible causes and associations; and indicate the legal framework within which abuse can be tackled. The policies and procedures were developed by Hanover Housing Association using those of Sanctuary Housing Association as the basis, and in the light of Department of Health (DoH) guidance in "No secrets" (March 2000). The document determines the course of action if abuse of a vulnerable adult is suspected. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001201218 B
ClassmarkQNT: QAD: KKHH: 583

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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