Centre for Policy on Ageing


Disability and contact with services in very elderly people
Author(s)Tom Dening, Rhian Gabe
Journal titleReviews in Clinical Gerontology, vol 10, no 3, August 2000
Pagespp 291-309
KeywordsPhysical disabilities ; Octogenarians ; Centenarians ; Health services ; Usage [services] ; Social surveys ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationVery old people may be defined by means of age, say, over 80 or over 85. This paper is based on a Medline search combining the following headings: aged 80 and over (or centenarians); disability; and health services. The Cochrane Library was also searched for relevant items. Given the large literature, the reviewers focused on studies on the effectiveness of services for very old people, and those discharged from hospital or in rehabilitation programmes. They discuss the limitations of their review and of the published studies, and the implications for services, research and policy. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001130210 A
ClassmarkBN: BBM: BBT: L: QLD: 3F: 64A

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