Centre for Policy on Ageing


Meeting the challenge: a strategy for the allied health professions
 — arts therapists, chiropodists and podiatrists, dietitians, occupational therapists ... [and other allied health professionals]
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DoH
PublisherDepartment of Health, London, November 2000
Pages41 pp
SourceDepartment of Health, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH. NHS Response Line 0541 555 455.
KeywordsMedical workers ; Therapy ; Training [welfare work] ; Planning [admin] ; Policy ; Government publications.
AnnotationThe allied health professions comprise art therapists, drama therapists, music therapists, chiropodists and podiatrists, dietitians, occupational therapists, orthoptists, paramedics, physiotherapists, prosthetists and orthotists, diagnostic radiographers, therapeutic radiographers, and speech and language therapists. As part of the NHS Plan, the aim is that by 2004, there will be 6,500 more therapists and other health professionals, with a further 4,450 being trained. "Meeting the challenge" sets out, in more detail, the Government's plans for developing and supporting these professions. In delivering the key priorities of the NHS Plan, their roles will include: providing faster, more accessible care; improving care for those with cancers, heart disease or mental illness; for older people, developing a multi-professional team approach to support patients; and rehabilitation and intermediate care, joining up health and social care. The document explains the following: expanding the workforce; education, training and regulation; career development; and the roles of government, employers, professionals, and patients in this process. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001129001 B
ClassmarkQT: LO: QW: QA6: QAD: 6OA

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