Centre for Policy on Ageing


Implementing direct payments
Corporate AuthorJoseph Rowntree Foundation - JRF
Journal titleFindings, no N60, November 2000
PublisherJoseph Rowntree Foundation - JRF, York, November 2000
Pages4 pp
KeywordsServices ; Community care ; Social security benefits ; Social policy ; Pilot ; Norfolk.
AnnotationThe Community Care (Direct Payments) Act 1996 introduced direct payments, allowing some disabled people to purchase the provision of their own support. In 1997, a pilot project was established in Norfolk, to consider the implementation of direct payments in a largely rural county. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) supported the pilot scheme, by funding a researcher to assist with an evaluation of the project. The full report, "Independent successes: implementing direct payments" by Carol Dawson, is published by YPS. Findings are summarised concerning consultation and user involvement, the uptake of direct payments, and the administration of payments by social work staff. The evaluation concludes that a direct payment scheme which involves disabled people from its inception and throughout its operation can provide a very positive alternative to direct service provision, and one which empowers disabled people to live their lives as they choose, with no additional cost to the social services department. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001124203 B
ClassmarkI: PA: JH: TM2: 4UC: 8N

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