Centre for Policy on Ageing


Caring for our own
 — health care experiences of rural Hispanic elders
Author(s)Joan K Magilvy, JoAnn G Congdon, Ruby J Martinez
Journal titleJournal of Aging Studies, vol 14, no 2, June 2000
Pagespp 171-190
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Health services ; Usage [services] ; Rural areas ; United States of America.
AnnotationMany rural elders find access to health care a serious problem, and for ethnic minority rural populations such as Hispanics, language, cultural and economic barriers further compound the problem. Based on a large longitudinal study and three companion ethnographical studies of rural ageing and health care in which a large percentage of the participants were Hispanic, this article analyses and interprets their findings on Hispanic families' experiences with health care. Three themes were identified: taking care of our own: Hispanic families struggling to meet obligations; spirituality as integral to life and health; and acceptance or prejudice: understanding cultural differences. The observed patterns of specific health care services use by older Hispanics and their families are described. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001114203 A
ClassmarkTK: L: QLD: RL: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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