Centre for Policy on Ageing


Reliability, validity, and factor structure of the Geriatric Depression Scale in Turkish elderly
 — are there different factor structures for different cultures?
Author(s)Turan Ertan, Engin Eker
Journal titleInternational Psychogeriatrics, vol 12, no 2, June 2000
Pagespp 163-172
KeywordsDepression ; Screening ; Turkey ; Evaluation.
AnnotationThe Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) translated into Turkish was examined for its reliability, discriminant validity, and factor structure with a sample of 276 community-dwelling older people and 30 patients with depression. Item 5 ("Are you hopeful about the future?") was discovered to have conceptual difficulty for Turkish older people, as it transformed to a negative form. Item 2, on activities, was changed to a positive question to keep the number of positive and negative items equal to that in the original GDS. Overall, though, the Turkish version of the GDS was found to have reasonable time reliability, high internal consistency, and discriminant validity for Turkish older people. Its two-factor structure can be used as an informative instrument for epidemiological studies, reflecting two main dimensions of depression in older people. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001109211 A
ClassmarkENR: 3V: 7GB: 4C

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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