Centre for Policy on Ageing


The interplay of institution and family caregiving
 — relations between patient hassles, nursing home hassles and caregivers' burnout
Author(s)Britt Almberg, Margareta Grafström, Kathleen Krichbaum
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 15, no 10, October 2000
Pagespp 931-939
KeywordsStress ; Evaluation ; Family care ; Care home staff ; Nursing homes ; Sweden.
AnnotationThis Swedish study is part of the population-based Kungsholmen Project in an area of Stockholm, and investigated the relationship between stresses (hassles) and burnout for 30 family caregivers and their institutionalised demented older relatives. The Burnout Measure, the Patients Hassles Scales and the Nursing Home Hassles Scale were used. Hassles included: patient hassles (cognitive, behaviour, basic activity of daily living - ADL) and nursing home hassles (caregiver - staff, patient - staff, practical / logistical). The caregiver's characteristics are described in relation to burnout, and the caregiver's most frequent hassles are discussed. All subscales except basic ADL were correlated to burnout. However, regression analysis showed the nursing home hassles to be the most important stresses explaining variance in burnout among family caregivers. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001107217 A
ClassmarkQNH: 4C: P6:SJ: QRM: LHB: 76P

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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