Centre for Policy on Ageing


The effectiveness of old age psychiatry services
Author(s)Brian Draper
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 15, no 8, August 2000
Pagespp 687-703
KeywordsPsychiatric treatment ; Performance ; Evaluation ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationOutcomes of acute service delivery in old age psychiatry were reviewed, based on searches of Medline, PsychINFO and Cochrane Collaboration Databases of English language papers to 1998, supplemented by a manual search for references. All controlled trials, audits and surveys of the outcomes of service delivery in old age psychiatry located in acute hospitals and community settings were included. Service delivery by medical, adult psychiatry and consultation liaison services were also included. With the exception of outreach services, long term institutional care was excluded. There has been a marked increase during the 1990s in service evaluations of old age psychiatry services, with most studies indicating positive treatment outcomes, particularly for depression. However, there is insufficient evidence to determine which processes of care are associated with better outcomes; and pluralistic evaluations indicate that carers often have unmet needs, and are not as positive about outcomes. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001107202 A
ClassmarkLP: 5H: 4C: 64A

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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