Centre for Policy on Ageing


Stumbling towards basic income
 — the prospects for tax-benefit integration
Author(s)Bill Jordan, Phil Agulnik, Duncan Burbidge
Corporate AuthorCitizen's Income Study Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science
PublisherSCAN, Citizen's Income Study Centre, LSE, London, 2000
Pages134 pp
SourceSCAN, Citizen's Income Study Centre, St Philips Building, Sheffield Street, London WC2A 2EX. e-mail: citizens-income@lse.ac.uk
KeywordsIncome [older people] ; Social security benefits ; Income tax [older people] ; Social economics.
AnnotationThe work on which this report is based was set in hand by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust. Since 1990, the JRCT has supported the Citizens' Income Trust (until 1993 known as the Basic Income Research Group) in its investigations into the feasibility of replacing both tax allowances and cash benefits by a universal and unconditional guaranteed income for everyone. In this assessment of the prospects for such a system, the authors note the change in political culture across party lines: there has been a breakdown in the moral and political consensus as to the role of the benefit system. Aspects of public finance, and how changes in income taxation and benefits will affect likely developments are examined. Although measures to widen formal economic participation enjoy wide support, there is a strong current of criticism concerning unpaid work, for example by carers. The authors conducted 12 interviews with MPs in the UK, 10 TDs in Ireland, and 4 Irish policy-makers. The aim was to explore the extent and nature of support for a Basic Income, and to compare differences in support for the proposal and its feasibility. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001031005 B
ClassmarkJF: JH: JT: W4

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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