Centre for Policy on Ageing


Inclusion, diversity and partnership: HOPE for the millennium: how are you responding to an ageing population?
 — conference findings
Corporate AuthorHousing for Older People in Europe (HOPE Network)
PublisherThe HOPE Network, [Kidlington, Oxon], 2000
Pages43 pp
SourceHOPE Network, c/o Anchor Trust, Fountain Court, Oxford Spires Business Park, Kidlington, Oxon OX15 1NZ.
KeywordsSheltered housing ; Housing [elderly] ; Rented dwellings ; Housing Associations ; Integration ; Social policy ; Conference proceedings ; Europe.
AnnotationIn March 2000, the HOPE Network hosted its second conference in London. The Network surveyed the views of older people about their housing and care experiences and expectations; and the conference challenged the Government, the Housing Corporation and service providers throughout Europe to find practical and effective housing solutions to an ageing society. This is a review of the conference, which was sponsored by the Housing Corporation. It is preceded by discussion of how social landlords are responding to an ageing population. This examines what changes sheltered housing providers throughout Europe can expect; the present and future needs, expectations and aspirations of older and younger people for sheltered housing; and how citizenship and involvement, standards and partnership can be promoted and made to work. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001026001 B
ClassmarkKLA: KE: KEE: KKH: TO: TM2: 6M: 74

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