Centre for Policy on Ageing


To decide or not to decide for others
 — competency, choice and consequences
Author(s)K H Wilber, S H Zarit
Journal titleAging & Mental Health, vol 3, no 4, November 1999
Pagespp 277-280
KeywordsHealth services ; Rights [elderly] ; Competence ; Evaluation ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationThis issue of Aging & Mental Health includes a special section on the theme, "Assessment and management of competency for older people". Articles reflect US perspectives which may be relevant to other countries: how to assess competency; how the complexity of modern health care makes new demands on competency; and how best to manage situations where competency is compromised. This article introduces the theme, and reviews previous contributions to the literature. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001018201 A
ClassmarkL: IKR: DPB: 4C: 64A

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