Centre for Policy on Ageing


Association between nutritional intake and morbidity after four years in a French elderly population
Author(s)Anne-Sophie Nicolas, Catherine Faisant, Fati Nourhashemi
Journal titleJournal of Nutrition for the Elderly, vol 19, no 4, 2000
Pagespp 19-30
KeywordsNutrition ; Good Health ; Ill health ; Death ; Longitudinal surveys ; France.
AnnotationInsufficient nutritional intake is often reported for older people who are frail or ill. A 3-day food record was completed by 167 healthy older French people (mean age 72.8) in 1993 as part of the Toulouse Ageing Process Study. Their health status was assessed in 1993 and again in 1997 using a classification based on medical and surgical history, medication review, everyday living autonomy and balance and gait assessment. In 1997, 123 (73.%) were still in good or excellent health, 38 (22.7%) were considered frail or sick, while 6 (3.6%) had died. The energy intake of women who had deteriorated or died was significantly lower in 1993 than that of those who maintained good health status. Their intakes of fibre, iron, vitamins B1, B6, B9 and C were also significantly lower. Reduced energy intake therefore preceded frailty, illness or death. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-001016256 A
ClassmarkCF: CD: CH: CW: 3J: 765

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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