Centre for Policy on Ageing


Carers' needs and the Carers Act
Corporate AuthorSocial Policy Research Unit - SPRU, University of York
PublisherUniversity of York, York, June 2000
Pagesunnumbered (Research Works)
SourceSPRU, University of York, Heslington, York Y010 5DD.
KeywordsFamily care ; Rights [elderly] ; Needs [elderly] ; Evaluation.
AnnotationThe Carers (Recognition and Services) Act 1995 has given carers important new rights and a firm legal status. In particular, people providing a regular and substantial amount of care can ask for an assessment of their ability to care when the person they are looking after is being assessed for community care services. This briefing outlines the findings of a project conducted as part of the Department of Health's (DoH) Outcomes for Social Care Initiative. Researchers from the Social Policy Research Unit (SPRU) investigated what the Act meant for four local authorities and 51 carers who had recently been assessed by social services. The study makes recommendations for central and local government concerning entitlement to assessment, eligibility criteria, multi-agency working, and the importance of follow-up information for carers. The full report, "Carers' needs and the Carers Act: an evaluation of the process and outcomes of assessment", by Hilary Arksey, David Hepworth and Hazel Qureshi is published by SPRU. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000928201 P
ClassmarkP6:SJ: IKR: IK: 4C *

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