Centre for Policy on Ageing


Quality in Ageing - and older adults
Journal titleQuality in Ageing - and older adults, 2000, vol 1, no 1 to 2010, vol 11, no 3
PublisherPier Professional [Pavilion], Hove, East Sussex
AnnotationThis journal is multi-agency and multidisciplinary in outlook. The aim is to establish a source of information, evidence and ideas for researchers, policy-makers, practitioners, educators and managers across a range of settings in which care, services and facilities for older people are provided. Its priority will therefore be to promote the best possible quality of care and support for those who are cared for and their carers. Each issue will feature an editorial, research-based articles, commentaries, events diary and book and website reviews. Published quarterly. Book reviews are included. No annual index planned to date. BASE (British Association for Service to the Elderly) was formerly involved with the setting up of this journal as a successor to its own, BASEline, and remained associated with it until 2003 (vol 4). See AgeInfo CD-ROM Organisations database for information about BASE. Small change of title with volume 11, formerly: Quality in Ageing - Policy, practice and research. Pavilion Journals rebranded as Pier Professional in May 2009. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-000925205 H

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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