Centre for Policy on Ageing


The health and care of older people in care homes
 — a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach: a report of a joint working party
Author(s)Bim Bhowmick
Corporate AuthorRoyal College of Physicians; Royal College of Nursing - RCN; British Geriatrics Society - BGS
PublisherRoyal College of Physicians, Royal College of Nursing, and British Geriatrics Society, London, 2000
Pages31 pp
SourceRoyal College of Physicians of London, 11 St Andrews Place, London NW1 4LE. Royal College of Nursing, 194 Euston Road, London NW1 2DG. British Geriatrics Society, Admark House, St John's Square, London EC1M 4DN.
KeywordsHealth services ; Management [care] ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Residents [care homes] ; Nursing homes ; Care homes ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationThe organisation of health and personal care services for care home residents is unsatisfactory and overshadowed by debates on cost and regulation. The working party's remit was to explore the issues preventing older people in care homes from receiving the appropriate level and type of services. Ten statements for action are identified, the central theme being to call for an "integrated interdisciplinary approach" for health and care services for care home residents. Key issues include the need for: a standardised interdisciplinary approach to assessment, care planning and care delivery; development of the nurse as the lead practitioner in care homes; comprehensive systems of service delivery to engage general and specialist aspects of medical practice; and all practitioners engaged in care home practice to have appropriate education and training, and for relevant programmes of research. An Appendix outlines the estimated costs of recommendations for a nursing home and a residential home. Lack of investment is likely to prove more costly through inappropriate patterns of care and professional time and resource utilisation. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000911001 B
ClassmarkL: QA: QK6: KX: LHB: KW: 583

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