Centre for Policy on Ageing


Growing old in the countryside
 — key issues
Corporate AuthorHelp the Aged; Rural Development Commission
PublisherHelp the Aged, London, 1996
SourceHelp the Aged, St James's Walk, London EClR 0BE.
KeywordsServices ; Rural areas ; Grant allocation ; Social surveys.
AnnotationConcerns about lack of services in the countryside led Help the Aged and the Rural Development Commission to fund the CARE Project, a major programme of research into the needs of older people in rural England. This paper summarises the concerns, describes practical responses, and lists the recommendations of regional conferences held in Wolverhampton, Taunton, York, Leyland and London held in the Spring of 1996. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000905503 P
ClassmarkI: RL: QCG: 3F *

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