Centre for Policy on Ageing


A sociocultural stress and coping model for mental health outcomes among African American caregivers in Southern California
Author(s)Bob G Knight, Merril Silverstein, T J McCallum
Journal titleJournals of Gerontology: Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, vol 55B, no 3, May 2000
Pagespp P142-P150
KeywordsFamily care ; Black people ; White people ; Stress ; Anxiety ; Social surveys ; United States of America.
AnnotationA sociocultural stress and coping model to explain emotional distress among caregivers of family members who have dementia across ethnic and cultural groups is presented and explored in a sample of 41 African-American and 128 non-African American caregivers. In this sample, African-American caregivers reported lower levels of burden, but equal levels of depression and anxiety. In this structural equation model, previous reports that African-Americans' lower appraisal of caregiving as burdensome resulted in lower levels of emotional distress were confirmed. However, in this model, this pathway was counterbalanced by a tendency of African-American caregivers to use emotion-focused coping and, therefore, increased emotional distress. African-American caregivers were also younger and in poorer health, factors which tend to increase both burden and emotional distress outcomes. As suggested by the sociocultural stress and coping model, the influences of ethnic group variables on stress and coping processes are complex and multidirectional. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000825223 A
ClassmarkP6:SJ: TKE: TKA: QNH: ENP: 3F: 7T

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