Centre for Policy on Ageing


Age related differences in the use of contextual information in recognition memory
 — a global matching approach
Author(s)Ute J Bayen, Matthew P Phelps, Julia Spaniol
Journal titleJournals of Gerontology: Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, vol 55B, no 3, May 2000
Pagespp P131-P141
KeywordsMemory and Reminiscence ; Mental clarity ; Age groups [elderly] ; Young adults [20-25] ; Comparison ; United States of America.
AnnotationAge differences in the processing of contextual information were investigated using the Item, associated Context, and Ensemble (ICE) model (K Murname, M P Phelps, and K Malmberg, 1999), a general global matching model of recognition memory. In two experiments, younger (aged 18-24) and older (aged 59-83, mean age 71) adults studied words in environmental contexts: visual and rich visual (i.e. pictures of scenes) contexts. The two groups were tested in both the same and different contexts. Patterns of context effects for hit rate, false alarm rate, and the discrimination measure "d" suggest that older adults process associated context, but have difficulties integrating items and context into an ensemble. Thus, older adults appear to have a specific, rather than a general, deficit in processing contextual information. A deficiency in ensemble processing may be responsible for the prevalent finding that older adults show poorer recognition memory performance than young adults. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000825222 A
ClassmarkDB: DF: BB: SD6: 48: 7T

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