Centre for Policy on Ageing


Interrater reliability of the Short Memory Questionnaire in a variety of health professional representatives
Author(s)Naruhiko Maki, Manabu Ikeda, Kazuhiko Hokoishi
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol l5, no 4, April 2000
Pagespp 373-375
KeywordsMemory and Reminiscence ; Dementia ; Geriatric out-patients clinics ; Cognitive processes ; Evaluation ; Reliability ; Japan.
AnnotationThe 14-question Short Memory Questionnaire (SMQ) is an objective tool for assessing memory difficulties found in Alzheimer's disease (AD). This study examines the Japanese version with 18 consecutive patients with AD who were outpatients of the Department of Neurophysiology in Ehime University School of Medicine and their principle caregivers. One neuropsychologist (NP) administered the SMQ, and all sessions were videotaped. Then one nurse (Ns), one clinical psychologist (CP), one occupational therapist (OT), and one neurologist (NL) from another institution viewed the videotape and performed reassessments independently. Interrater reliability between the NP and Ns, CP, OT, or NI were all extremely good. Interrater reliability between the Ns and CP, between the Ns and OT, between the Ns and NL, between the CP and OT , between the CP and NL, and between the OT and NL were also extremely good. The SMQ is a convenient, quantitative scale, and in this study it showed good interrater reliability between personnel from different fields. It is thus a very useful test for everyday medical consultations and for clinical research. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000823209 A
ClassmarkDB: EA: L6G: DA: 4C: 5HC: 7DT

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