Centre for Policy on Ageing


Caring for older people
 — an assessment of community care in the 1990s
Author(s)Linda Bauld, John Chesterman, Bleddyn Davies
Corporate AuthorPersonal Social Services Research Unit - PSSRU, University of Kent
PublisherAshgate, Aldershot, 2000
Pages408 pp
SourceAshgate Publishing Ltd., Gower House, Croft Road, Aldershot, Hants GU11 3HR.
KeywordsCommunity care ; Management [care] ; Needs [elderly] ; Social policy ; Evaluation ; Methodology.
AnnotationEvaluating Community Care for Elderly People (ECCOP) is the most recent of PSSRU's series of studies to use the Production of Welfare (POW), a theoretical framework developed at the Unit. The book begins by summarising the development of community care since the post-war period. ECCOP's design and method is described; its findings are compared with those of other surveys, and examined in relation to various themes. First, the need-related characteristics and circumstances of users and carers. Care management is considered with regard to assessment, monitoring and review, costs of care, and the characteristics of care managers. Consistency in social care is a new area of study: it involves analysing user, carer and care manager responses to a range of questions, to identify areas of inconsistency between respondents. Support provided to service users is described both from the point of view of informal carers and from statutory, voluntary and private providers. Outcomes for users and carers are presented. To conclude, five themes from recent policy changes are identified: effectiveness and quality of services; prevention and rehabilitation; care management; joint working; and addressing carers' needs. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000818001 B
ClassmarkPA: QA: IK: TM2: 4C: 3D

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