Centre for Policy on Ageing


A report of the joint review of social services in Southampton City Council
Corporate AuthorJoint Reviews of Local Authorities' Social Services, Audit Commission; Social Services Inspectorate - SSI, Department of Health - DoH
PublisherAudit Commission Publications, London, 2000
Pages pp (Joint reviews)
SourceAudit Commission Publications, Bookpoint Ltd., 39 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4TD.
KeywordsSocial Services Departments ; Performance ; Inspection ; Evaluation ; Southampton.
AnnotationThe purpose of the Review is to assess the extent to which the people of Southampton are well served by their social services. This includes consideration of: how services are arranged for individual people; how the population's care needs are planned for; how the Authority manages performance and quality; and how well available resources are used. Southampton City Council became a unitary authority in April 1997, when services were transferred from Hampshire County Council, and so faces many problems with newly inherited services. The Review found that some, but not all, are well served by Social Services. Concerns include: long delays in being assessed; use of eligibility criteria to exclude those with lower level but potentially escalating needs; and some delayed discharges from hospital due to lack of agreement on funding continuing care. Examples of good practice include the Choices Advocacy service; a carers' support line; and Southampton Centre for Independent Living (SCIL). Priorities for improvement include: care management; service effectiveness; joint working; communication with users and carers; performance management; and managing change. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000814204 B
ClassmarkPF: 5H: 3U: 4C: 8HH

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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