Centre for Policy on Ageing


Career guidance for the third age
Author(s)Anthony Barnes
Corporate AuthorNational Institute for Careers Education and Counselling (NICEC)
Journal titleNICEC Careers Education and Guidance Bulletin, no 51, Winter 2000
PublisherCRAC - Careers Research and Advisory Centre, Cambridge, Winter 2000
Pages29 pp
SourceCRAC, Sheraton House, Castle Park, Cambridge CB3 0AX.
KeywordsEmployment of older people ; Training [elderly workers] ; Information services ; Advisory services [elderly].
AnnotationCareers officers have probably had little involvement in offering guidance to older people. This issue of the NICEC Bulletin aims to redress the balance, and to suggest reasons for optimism about improving careers education and guidance at the start of the third millennium. Tony Watts discusses "The role of career guidance in social policy for the third age", which could pave the way for more enlightened approaches to other aspects of third age social policy. Jim Soulsby, Older and Bolder Programme Officer at NIACE raises awareness of the Government's continuing lack of resolve regarding third age initiatives: more needs to be done to make a difference to older people's lives. Geoff Ford and Barbara Watkins propose a 16-point agenda to bring about changes in attitudes toward older people, to counter discrimination and stereotyping, and to begin to map out a wider role for lifelong guidance. Andrew Edwards describes the Kent Guidance Consortium, an information, advice and guidance (IAG) partnership, a Pathfinder project with adults specifically in mind. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000802202 B
ClassmarkGC: GF: UV: IT

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