Centre for Policy on Ageing


A report of the joint review of social services in Bedfordshire County Council
Corporate AuthorJoint Reviews of Local Authorities' Social Services, Audit Commission; Social Services Inspectorate - SSI, Department of Health - DoH
PublisherAudit Commission Publications, London, 2000
Pages102 pp (Joint reviews)
SourceAudit Commission Publications, Bookpoint Ltd., 39 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4TD.
KeywordsSocial Services Departments ; Performance ; Inspection ; Evaluation ; Bedfordshire.
AnnotationThe purpose of the Joint Review is to provide an objective assessment of how well the people of Bedfordshire are being served by their social services. The review considers how services are arranged for individual people; how the care needs of the population are planned for; and how well available resources are being used. Users' and carers' views were also sought. The Review Team found that most people are well served, but this is not yet consistent. As the result of financial pressures, the Authority revised its eligibility criteria for adults' services, so that only those meeting high need criteria are eligible, effectively excluding those who may benefit from preventative services. Assessment and care management guidance to staff was published in 1999. The Review also queried the role, function and costs of the home-care service. Key issues identified include performance management, business planning, and developing the customer focus. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000802001 B
ClassmarkPF: 5H: 3U: 4C: 8B

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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