Centre for Policy on Ageing


Foresight Ageing Population Panel
 — [Discussion paper] 4: Design for living
Author(s)Jeremy Porteus
Corporate AuthorDesign for Living Taskforce, Foresight Ageing Population Panel, Office of Science and Technology, Department of Trade and Industry - DTI
PublisherDepartment of Trade and Industry, London, 2000
Pages24 pp
SourceAgeing Population Panel, Foresight Directorate, Office of Science and Technology, Department of Trade and Industry, 1 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0ET.
KeywordsOlder people ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; Architectural design [housing [elderly]] ; Accessibility ; Consumer choice ; Design ; Social policy ; Government publications.
AnnotationThe Taskforce, set up by the Ageing Population Panel, presents its thoughts on a wide range of daily living themes: home lifestyles (including technology and the "smarter home"), leisure and tourism, transport, and public space and buildings. This report sets out the demographic background, and points out why in 2020, older people will be playing a greater part in designing, and driving the market for products and services (by virtue of many having relatively large disposable incomes). The concept of "active ageing" is also seen as influencing "designing for inclusion". The closing date for comments on this discussion paper and on the main consultation document, "The age shift" is 15 September 2000. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000727004 B
ClassmarkB: F: KE:YB3: 5CA: WYC: 33: TM2: 6OA

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