Centre for Policy on Ageing


Relocation mosaic
 — a review of 40 years of resettlement literature
Author(s)A E Smith, P Crome
Journal titleReviews in Clinical Gerontology, vol 10, no 1, February 2000
Pagespp 81-95
KeywordsLong term patients ; Institutional accommodation ; House removal ; Health [elderly] ; Mental disorder ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationReasons for interest in relocation include: health and community care reforms since the 1980s; subsequent changes in service delivery; the increase in the number of over 65s, and their increasing chance of institutionalisation; and the closure of continuing care wards, some of whose relocated frail patients have died soon after. This literature review mainly examines involuntary intra- and inter-institutional transfers of older people aged 60 and over. The first section presents a review of US, Canadian and UK literature on mortality and functional and mental health effects of transfer. The second considers methodological problems of finding suitable samples and control groups for relocation studies. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000725004 A
ClassmarkLF7:4Q: KV: TNH: CC: E: 64A

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