Centre for Policy on Ageing


The case of Mr Frederick Joseph McLernon
 — a critical examination of the findings and recommendations of the Social Services Inspectorate's Investigation report
Author(s)Lorna Conn, Helen McVicker
Journal titlePractice, vol 12, no 2, 2000
Pagespp 21-32
KeywordsLiving alone ; Older men ; Needs [elderly] ; Evaluation ; Admission [nursing homes] ; At risk ; Suicide ; Northern Ireland.
AnnotationMr Frederick McLernon, an 81 year old man living alone in single person Housing Executive accommodation in Antrim, Northern Ireland, committed suicide in March 1997 when refused admission to nursing home care. Disclosures from key witnesses at the inquest led the coroner to question the role of the Community Health and Social Services Trust involved in the case, and to the subsequent investigation by the Social Services Inspectorate (SSI). This article examines some of the investigation's key findings in the context of practice realities, and to consider how a similar tragedy might be avoided in future. Issues highlighted included: policies and procedures in the assessment process; the importance of a formal risk assessment; professional supervision; and staff development and training to maintain a knowledge and skill base. The article thus highlights the tensions that exist for social workers in care management roles in attempting to balance managerial expectations, user needs, and the values and ideologies of the social work profession. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000719205 A
ClassmarkK8: BC: IK: 4C: LHB:QKH: CA3: EV: 9Y

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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