Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older Russian immigrants to the USA
 — their utilization of health services
Author(s)Tanya R Fitzpatrick, Anne O Freed
Journal titleInternational Social Work, vol 43, no 3, July 2000
Pagespp 305-324
KeywordsJewish ; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; Health services ; Usage [services] ; United States of America.
AnnotationSince the breakdown of the Soviet Union, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of older Jewish Russian immigrants in the US, which is challenging the health care delivery system providing care for this population. The immigration process itself places additional stress on older people, as their need for closeness and intimate relationships has been disrupted by problems relating to inadequate housing, economic concerns and obtaining medical services. This article explores the psychological and social factors affecting the use of health services by older Russian immigrants, and considers therapeutic implications for social workers and other health care professionals. The study's aims are met by a review of current literature, relevant theories, and use of case interviews and vignettes. Following this, therapeutic interventions for health care professionals are discussed. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000719204 A
ClassmarkTKS: 7AA: F: L: QLD: 7T

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